
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fair remuneration of agent

At the FISCA talk, I asked the participants what is a fair amount for an agent to earn on selling a life insurance policy with a monthly premium of $500. Should it be $2,000? Most participants felt that this was too high.

The actual amount that is earned by the agent (and the managers) is shown as "distribution cost" in the benefit illustration. It varies from $6,000 to $10,000. The participants were shocked. They did not realise it.

If you wish to buy a life insurance policy, look for the distribution cost and the effect of deduction. These two important points are explained in my book, Practical Guide on Financial Planning. The effect of deduction can amount to $200,000 for a policy of the above size. It is a lot of money that is deducted from your accumulated savings.

Spend $12 and 12 hours to learn about the basics of financial planning by reading the book. Attend the FISCA talk to get a better understading.


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