
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Perspective of the customers

My friend visited me in Midview City. He said that he could not find its way as the site was big and the signage was inadequate.

I agreed with his observation. I have observed that signage in Singapore is generally inadequate. I have got lost many times, due to the poor signage. Quite often, the signage led me astray.

Why is this the case? I suspect that our education system makes our students see issues from their perspective and fail to teach them on seeing matters from the perspective of other people. I observe this weakness in other areas, such as the design of our websites, forms and processes. This is too much focus on the needs of the "authority" and too little attention on the needs of the customers.

Generally, societies that are more democratic are more responsible and considerate of the needs of the people. We have to move towards that direction.


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