
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A sad outcome

I am saddened by the decision taken by the leaders of the Workers Party to expel Yaw Shin Leong from the party. I do understand the difficult and complex issue that the leaders had to deal with. I am sure that they have taken the decision in the best interest of their party and the future governance of Singapore.

Many people may not recognize the significance of this episode. It is already difficult for the  non-governing  political parties to find people to join their party. These party members will have to put in a lot of hard work, without any reward, and may have to face potential discrimination in the workplace or in the business community.  This is a big sacrifice that few people will want to shoulder.

I hope that the negative outcome of this episode will not discourage other people from stepping forward.

Many Singaporeans look on Yaw Shin Leong negatively, based on the rumors of his affairs and his refusal to answer them. I have already given my views on this matter and will not repeat them. We must not forget the  positive side - Yaw had put in 10 years of hard work in the grassroots of Hougang and had served his party loyally.

It is a sad trait of many Singaporeans to see the negative side and to overlook the positive side of a person. They are also ready to jump on the band wagon to bash someone who have personal or moral weakness, often forgetting that other people are guilty of similar transgressions,.but they are spared because these failings have not yet been highlighted in the media. Yet the same people who bash Yaw really yearn for an alternative to our current system of government.

I hope that there will be sufficient angels or saints to step forward to provide the leadership that is needed to ensure a better future for our country and children. I like to give best wishes to Yaw Shin Leong and his family as they face a new future ahead.


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