
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Inefficient and wasteful processes

I have made a statement that the Government collects a lot of taxes and spend some of the money wastefully. I want to quote a few examples:

1. Posh office buildings and furniture
2. Management consultants and computer systems
3. Online processes that save time for civil servants but adds many times of the burden on the public
4. Creates a lot of work to give payback to the citizens as refund for the high tax collected, e.g. GST offsets, progress package, economic growth package and the like

The amounts spent on some of these items are staggering - tens of million of dollars on items that could be avoided.

It would be much better for the government to collect less tax (e.g, abandon GST), reduce the price of land for public housing and simplify their compliance requirements. This will reduce the cost of living, cost of doing business, and make a large impact on improving the lives of the people.

I want to recognize the good aspects of the government - i.e. managing an economy that provides jobs for the people. So, I am not want to appear to be giving a negative judgement on the government.  I only want to point out some areas of wastefulness and inefficiency that should be recognized and dealt with.

Tan Kin Lian


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