
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Negative mindset

A writer asked me for information to write an article on the Financial Advisory Industry Review (FAIR) led by MAS. I provided the information. They asked me for the mailing address to send a complimentary copy of the magazine containing my article. I asked for a soft copy but they replied that the cannot send me a soft copy because it is their "company policy".

I do not accept this type of "company policy" and replied that if they insist on this policy, they will not get any further help from me. They then explain that they cannot send the soft copy to me because of "copyright issue". I asked what was the copyright issue for an article that was written by me?

I suspect that the "copyright issue" was for the whole magazine, which I was not interested anyway. I only wanted a soft copy of my article.

I want to share this story, because it is quite common, and in the culture of Singaporeans, to be negative and to find ways why something cannot be done. They should and can think out of the box and look for ways that it can be done, and get a different outcome. In this instance, they can send me a soft copy of my article, and not the whole magazine!

The paranoid fear, the excessive cautiousness - that is the stamp of our culture. It is a trait that should be removed and replaced by a positive outlook.


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