
Monday, January 16, 2012

A positive and negative approach

Whenever a suggestion is brought up to make a change, there is a tendency for people to point out what is wrong, and what they do not agree. In many cases, the negative views are not based on actual experience, but is on hypothetical reasoning. This is a negative mindset but is quite common in Singapore.

A positive mindset looks at what is right about the suggestion and a willingness to give it a try. If the actual experience shows some negative consequences, they can be fixed at that time. This is what makes for change and entrepreneurship.

For Singapore to be willing to change and to be entrepreneurial, we need a positive mindset. It is a big challenge to change from a negative mindset, which is ingrained in our culture and education system (remember the term "kiasu"?). But, the process of change starts with the realization of our present situation and a desire to work towards a better situation.

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