
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Structured Investments

DBS Bank has a good webpage. It shows the structured investments marketed by them over the past years, and are still current. You can find out quite easily the current indicative price of these investments.

The structured investments are listed under the following categories:

Credit linked notes - 5 tranches
Currency linked deposits - 4 tranches
Equity linked deposits - 19 tranches
Index linked deposits - 47 tranches
Interest rate deposits - 76 tranches
Total: 141 tranches

Based on the prices posted in this website, it seems that most of the investments are below par, ie less than 100% in prices. In the worst case, the drop is more than 30%, if the investor cash out now.

There are just a few tranches under "indexed linked deposits" which show an apprecation of up to 24% for the period (about 4 years) that the investments were held. The annual return is about 5-6%.

It seems that most of the structured products performed poorly, and gave a poor return.


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