
Friday, June 29, 2007

Primary values that drive a business

What are the primary values that drive NTUC Income's business (during the time that you were the CEO)? Are these values responsible for the success of the business?


The primary values were:

* act in the best interest of the customers
* act honestly, with integrity, and be transparent

We act in the best interest of the customer and offer good value in the form of lower prices or better return on their savings. We achieve it by operating efficiently, reducing cost and cutting down on wastage.

We were able to earn an adequate margin to meet our expenses and to provide a modest profit to shareholders.

We act honestly, with integrity. We offer products that meet the genuine needs of the customer. We keep the product simple, so that they can understand it, and choose it for its value.

Some business make profits by offering products that "cream off" the customer. They "hype up" the products beyond its real value. We do not engage in these misleading practices.

These values allowed us to build strong loyalty and trust from our members (customers) and contributed to the growth of our business.


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