
Friday, July 6, 2012

Singapore's approach - calibration and differentiation

The PAP Government has developed the system of calibration and differentiation to a fine art. So many government schemes have to be calibrated and differentiated. The latest schemes to adopt this approach are the U-Save and the GST vouchers.

The citizens are often confused about the convoluted formulae used to determine who gets how much of these goodies. Those who get more are happy, while those who get less grumble and complain. It is almost impossible for the poor civil servants to explain the rationale used for the calibration and differentiation.

The main justification for the convoluted approach is the words of the leaders, that these schemes hae to be calibrated to achieve the targeted outcomes - whatever they mean.

To understand the convoluted approach used in Singapore, read this article by Mr. Brown, Also, read the comments. Some people said that the government is being dishonest by misleading the people on what they are given. I do not think that this is a deliberate act, but there is a lack of trust in the government now.

I have just found out another reason for the low birth rate in Singapore. The people spend so  much time figuring out the convoluted systems developed by the PAP government, that they do not have time to lead their normal family lives.


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