
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sell the tail of the lease

Hi Mr Tan

The Prime Minister has announced that HDB will bear back the tail of the lease, and allow the 3-room flat owner to keep the next 30 years. Is this a good scheme? How much can the owner get for selling this tail?


It offers another option for the HDB flat owner to raise money to live on. Assuming that the remaining lease of the flat is 70 years, the amount that can be obtained by selling the tail of 40 years (i.e. keeping the next 30 years) is, according to my estimate, about 33% to 40% of the current value of the property. It depends on the interest rate that is used for the calculation.

If the current value of a 3 room flat is $160,000, the sale of the tail of 40 years can bring between $53,000 to $64,000. Part of this sum can be received in cash and the remainder has to be credited to the Central Provident Fund account.

This is just my guess. Let us wait for the details, when it is announced by HDB.


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