
Monday, April 16, 2007

Switch from Living Endowment?

Dear Mr Tan

I'm thinking of giving up the living endowment and switch to a decreasing term insurance and invest the extra money in the combined fund.

I'm paying $x for this policy. You think is advisable to do? How much do I have to pay for a decreasing term insurance?

Which is a better to invest in the combined fund?

* Pay a single premium, say $20,000 or
* Monthly premium of $100

Give me your very frank answer.


My reply:

I will ask X to give you the figures for you to make an informed decision - on whether to continue with the living endowment or to switch to a new plan.

As the global stockmarket is now quite high, it is better to wait for the market to correct before you make a large investment. It is all right to start investing a monthly sum now.

You can read my investment tips (april 2007) which have just been posted in my website.



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