
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Term insurance rates in USA

I visited a portal to get the term insurance rates in New York state for the following:

male, non-smoker, no medical condition, standard weight

monthly premium for $100,000 for 20 year term

Entry New York state Singapore
age from top 5 insurers

30 $10.32 to $12.77 $13.40
35 $10.32 to $13.56 $18.90

To qualify for the low rates shown above, you must be in very good health. If your health is not in the top group, you may have to pay a higher rate (say up to 50% or 100% more).

The top 5 insurers are those that offered the most competitive rates.

The premium rates charged in Singapore is about 30% to 50% higher, but they apply to a broader group of people in reasonably good health.

If you wish to get a quote for our own comparsion, you can search for a Google Ad on the right panel". If you cannot find this ad, you can use the Google search and ask for "term insurance.


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