
Friday, April 27, 2007

Loop system for bus service

Dear Mr Tan

Beside the hub system, how about loop system - say bus from AMK to the city area - we could have a bus that goes various stops around AMK then direct by expressway to the city and then it do various stop before returning by express way.

This can be done say during peak hours so that there will be capacity passengers to fill up the bus and the passenger can avoid the extra time transferring bus. The LOOP service can use the HUB as one of the stop in AMK.

I think this can easily be tried out at same time as the HUB system in running to see which is better.




Your system is worth trying. The advantage is that it avoids a change of bus.

Under the hub system, we will have a feeder service to pick up commuters within the estate and bring them to the hub.

We may have different feeder systems to bring the commuters from different sections of the estate, so that the travelling time is shorter. We can also use light buses so that the waiting time is shorter (as there are more buses providing the service).

The express bus can run at specified times, according to a schedule.

Although the hub system requires one or two change of bus, it will be acceptable when you get used to it. It is good to exercise anyway.


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