
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Family Life 1.1 - Two winners

There are 24 games each day, one starting every hour. Each game comprises of 40 avatar years and can completed in 2 hours (3 mins per year). You can play the game at (Family Life).

If you are new to the game, you can read the Guide at the home page of Family Life. There is also a guide on how to win the 120 prizes that can be won each day. Each person is entitled to win only one prize for the entire contest, but you can teach a family member or friend to win the prize also.

A new version of the game, with better artificial intelligence, will be introduced later this month. So, if you know the technique of this game, you should try to win the prize before the new version is introduced !!!

Here are the comments of the two winners:
1) I would like to say this web game is pretty interesting and I believe has a lot of possibilities to expand into. Perhaps the players can have a selection of various areas of career paths/education. Looking forward for an update. 
2) Thanks for the great game!

Join the fun now: (Family Life)


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