
Monday, February 21, 2011

How to get a higher yield

Dear Mr. Tan
I have carried out the Financial Plan in your website based on my personal situation. I now understand how the difference in yield of 2% can make a lot of difference to my retirement income. I never realized it before - did not even check the yield.
May I ask a question. How can I get a higher yield? Where can I find the right insurance policy?

You can buy my book "Get Value from your Life Insurance". It shows the yield earned by the life insurance policies in the market. In most cases, the yield is 2% or less. This is quite unsatisfactory.

If you wish to earn a higher yield, you have to invest in an indexed fund. This is explained in my talk "Financial Planning - A Practical Guide" organised by FISCA. You can join the talk on this Saturday. You will also get a free copy of my book "Practical Guide on Financial Planning".


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