
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Family Life 1.1 - More winners

Hi Mr. Tan,
Thank you for making such a great simulation game filled with many life twisting events, which could influence the success in the outcome. I learnt a lot from the game such as balancing out resources in improving all areas, especially work and social in early stages. This leads to higher probability in promotions and early marriage! With some luck, I manage to get 3rd in one of the game in the screenshot.

Dear Mr Tan,
It is my first time playing and I managed to come in 5 in the final year! I found the game interesting but perhaps some modifications can be made to the game to make it more realistic and meaningful, however i am certain you would already have thought of it.

Just out of curiosity and wanted to try how different it would be if i had fine-tuned my approach and am surprized by the results. Would you consider signing your autograph on the book for the top 10 highest score for the month? That would be much appreciated although i am assuming the score i have received is high enough.


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