
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Large medical bill

My friend's wife suffered from last stage cancer. The private specialist recommended a treatment with an estimated cost of $50,000. Eventually, the total cost increased to $200,000 and the wife passed away. Apart from losing his wife, who was in the mid 50s, he also spent a large sum of money.

I asked him if the doctor had given him an assessment of the chance of recovery after spending such a large sum. He was not well advised. He trusted the doctor to do his best, but it failed.

My observation
It is better to get a second opinion from another doctor, who is not earning the large fee from the treatment. The second specialist does not have any vested interested to recommend a costly treatment that has a low chance of success. The second opinion may cost some money, but is worth spending, to get a better decision.

Tan Kin Lian


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