
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Replace a NRIC

Someone complained that $100 is too much to pay for a replacement of NRIC. Apart from this fee, they have to go through a lot of trouble, including visiting the crowded SIR office near Lavendar station.

The NRIC office said that $100 is the cost of replacing a NRIC. Is this so? There are many organisations that issue membership card with photograph. They do not charge $100 for a replacement card.

Most people take care of their NRIC and do not lose it due to carelessness. Many organisations ask for NRIC to record visitors. For it to be used often, it is quite easy for it to be misplaced.

I hope that the NRIC office should consider that $100 is a lot of money for students and low income earners. They should avoid levying excessively high charges.

Tan Kin Lian


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