
Monday, June 21, 2010

Admission to local universities

Dear Mr Tan,

My son passed GCE "A" level with many As, 1 B, and 2 Es. He was not accepted into a local university. He applied to NUS, NTU, SMU and SUDT and appealed twice, but was rejected. 

Local universities are funded by taxpayers and our fourth generation citizen cannot have the opportunity to enter a local university. How do we compete with other nation when, as a global city, our own citizen are deprived the opportunity to go for tertiary education?

When I visited the local universities, we saw many foreign students which took away the opportunity for our own citizens to be admitted. These foreign students are given a scholarship by our Government to take the university place from our own citizens. Many of them did not opt to become Singapore citizens.

If my son were to study in an overseas university, there is the tendency that he would not come back to Singapore. I hold this fear based on the experience of my relatives. If we were to lose a fourth generation citizen, how can Singapore be able to sustain as a nation without a deep root of its own citizens. If a significant crisis or disaster were to hit singapore, who will defend this country? Why can't the local universities accept our own local students?


My observation
Alan has asked me to post this letter to invite the views of other readers. He also asked me to carry out a survey. I will think about how to organise this survey.


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