
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Role of insurance agents

Insurance agents can play a useful role in marketing insurance to consumers. However, the insurance products must be designed to be fairly priced and to give good value to consumers. The design of the product is the responsibility of the management and the actuary.

Many general insurance products carry a commission rate of 10% to 15% of the premium. This is acceptable, if the premium is based on the risk that is covered by the policy. This rate of commission can be applied to health and term insurance policies.

For savings and investment policies, the commission rate should be much lower, e.g. similar to the chargespayable for the purchase of shares and bonds, e.g. brokerage is 0.3% of the amount invested. It is wrong for the commission and distribution cost to take away one or two years of the savings.

I hope that the life insurance companies and their management and agents change their practice to offer life insurance products that are fair and good for consumers. This will allow insurance agents to hold their heads high that they are serving their clients well.

I like to ask my readers to be fair in making your comments and not to use this blog to  "bash" insurance agents. Please state your views objectively.

Tan Kin Lian


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