
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Confidence in leaders

Dear Mr. Tan,
I fully agree with an article on your blog (The future of our country). I have very little confidence in the next generation of leaders. All of them have never contested in a fair and open election, thanks to the grossly unleveled playing field (eg. GRC, ruling party's use of the entire govt machinery against the opposition party cadres, heavily biased and tightly controlled mainstream media).

How can they claim to represent the people if they are not elected by the people? This explains why they don't have any clue what the people feel/think. They just enact policies according to their liking. They think they know best. They don't have the decency to apologise when they are wrong.

This sad state of affairs worries me. I now seriously wonder if I should get PR status in say Australia. Having a team of "strawberry" leaders, who make policies out of an ivory yower, steering this country scares me like hell.


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