
Friday, February 5, 2010


The steps to play the game are:

1. Register an account and create your user ID and password.
2. Login with your user ID and password
3. Read the Guide
4. Click Play to play a game. You will start at Level 1. Each game start with year 1 and continue to year 24. For each year, you have to view the Summary and Pick, select the stocks to invest in and click on End Year to see the results. Click on Next to go to the next year.
5. You should continue the game until year 24. However, if you reach a cumulative gain of $300,000 earlier, you will be upgraded to the next Level. If you have a cumulative loss of $300,000, you have to start the game again at the current level.
6. When you complete Level 9, you will be recognized as a Champion and have your name recorded. You can also share your experience. You will have greater confidence to apply for a job as a Fund Manager!

Click here to try the game.


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