
Monday, February 22, 2010

Prepare for high inflation

Dear Mr. Tan,
The deficit at Federal and state levels in USA seems to be the next big thing i.e. bigger than Greek crisis. California is already facing the problem of not enough money to pay their civil servants. Some other states are facing the same problem. There are articles written about it and it seems very serious.

Are you able to share your opnion in your blog as well as letting us understand what is the impact to Singapore since we are very dependent on USA for our survival. Also what can we do to protect ourselves in the event the above happens e.g. buy gold and keep since US$ is going to crush.


The USA is facing a large deficit as they are not collecting enough taxes to pay for their government expenditures (at Federal and State levels). Right now, they are issuing bonds to fund the deficit and pay a low rate of interest.

They have to raises taxes to balance the budget, but the politicians are reluctant to do so. They have to cut expenses, but that is also unpopular. At some point of time, they have to print money to fund the deficits. This will lead to higher rates of inflation. Many other countries face the same situation and may have to adopt the same solutions.

We have to prepare for high inflation in the future. In this environment, it will be bad to be invested in bonds that give a fixed rate of return. We have to invest in equities and properties that have a variable return that will increase with inflation. On the other hand, high inflation will burst the asset bubbles in equities and bonds. Maybe the safe asset classes will be gold and cash.

This situation may take many years before the correction occurs. In the meantime, many people continue to ignore the problem. Can I have your views on this matter also?


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