
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Singaporeans should learn to see "grey"

In my interaction with many Singaporeans, I find quite a common trait. They see things as "black" or "white". They cannot see things as "grey".

For an issue, they make judgement on what is "right", which is based on their personal opinion. They cannot see that there are many other choices that can also be "right".

They are not able to accept that some things are "not right", but they are also "not wrong".

There people are quite to jump to conclusions (without checking the view of the other person), to make judgement and to criticise other people. We see them reported as the "ugly Singaporean" when they travel overseas.

Here are some tips:

- recognise that there is "black", "white" or many shades of "grey"
- recognise that there can be several "right" choices - not only your own
- respect the views and opinions of others
- as you fight for your "rights", remember that other people also have "rights".

Happy National Day.


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