
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting people to enrol for Forex training course

Dear Mr. Tan,
I heard from a friend who went his preview about how X (a forex trainer) slashed and reduced course price to attract people to join his course. My friend felt X was treating the audience like clowns. He mentioned X slashed the price until around $300. While everyone was running to the back to sign up, he then finish writing $300 per month, and not just $300.

I have attended other seminars before and I think it is normal, but not to the extent of not finish writing to somehow cheat people. Most people would just state their actual course fee was (example) $20k, slashed to $10k, $5k, eventually $2.5k to make people think they are having great deals (not just Forex).

Regarding the (named removed) website, I saw people complaining about him writing $X amount per month installment which added up to be more than the course fees. I believe it was 0% interest just like most schools are doing now. After searching around online for feedbacks, I felt many people are complaining about him that he is more of a motivational speaker and sales person than a trainer. I watched some videos of his and I felt too.

Hopefully people could be more caution before signing up for courses.


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