
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Voice of a NS man

Mr Tan,
I hope that u can protect the interests of us NS men.we have had to involuntarily sacrifice 2.5 yrs of our lives in an establishment we might not even like, People whom we can't get along with, job not even suitable for us, all for the sake of national defense. It's ludicrous that after that,we are disadvantaged rather than favored. 

The law has various places which are biased against men,and this aspect is most obvious. I hope u can push for moves that would put everyone on an equal playing field, making us a truly equal country. A possibility is to mandatorily recruit girls of age into healthcare establishments as their service to the nation, so they can contribute too.

Another concern is whether foreigners would have leverage over locals as they do not need to serve in our security.this aspect has the bulk of singaporeans concerned.

In addition to the meagre NSf allowance, many are coerced into offering ord treat just before they pass out. I myself had paid out $40 while later realising it wasnt a cause well spent.



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