
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Make a donation from your 100% compensation

In America, some lawyers are willing to take a case on a contingency fee. If they win the case, they receive 10% to 30% of the amount recovered. If they lose the case, the client only pay the expenses.

Some noteholders are interested to engage lawyers on a contingency fee to recover their money. But contingency fee is not allowed in Singapore.
Think again. Many volunteers have spent several hundred hours of time and their expertise to help the noteholders to recover their money, without any promise of payment. As a result of their work,  1,280 of the noteholders will be getting back 100% compensation.
I like to ask these noteholders to consider giving a donation, if you have directly benefit from the work of any specific volunteer. This is just a small donation (far smaller than the contingency fee expected by the lawyer). It is for the volunteer to decide if they wish to accept it. Some of the volunteers are able to spend the time because they are not working. They do need an income.
If you wish to make a general donation of say 5%, I will put the money in the legal fund to engage a senior counsel or queens counsel to give a legal opinion to help the other noteholders. If there is any balance in the legal fund, I will contribute it to the financial services consumer association (FISCA) that will be establised to provide financial education to the public.
If you wish to make a contribution to the legal fund or any volunteer, you can contact me at  I will appoint someone to manage the accounts. Be generous. Remember - you could be one of the noteholders who has been rejected or have been offered inadequate compensation.


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