
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Company above board?

By Larry Haverkamp (Doc Money)

LAST week was filled with news stories about Sunshine Empire. The company has convinced 20,000 Singapore investors to part with as much as $12,000 each.

Despite the publicity, no one is still very sure what the company does.

Both the Singapore and Malaysian authorities have put it on their 'investor alert lists'. Entities on such lists are not authorised by the authorities to conduct regulated activity. While not well-known, these lists are extremely useful.

Other governments also have lists which give names of companies doing foreign land sales, internet fraud, lookalike web sites, identity theft, fake lotteries, Nigerian advanced fees, pump and dump, affinity scams, telemarketing and more.

It got me thinking, 'Wouldn't it be great if there was a web site listing all questionable companies? Then, if you hear about a deal that sounds too good to be true, you could check it out.'

Non-transparent but legal
1) Bank Products
2) Insurance companies
3) Reits

Read the full article here:,4136,146946,00.html


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