
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Deferment of national service - tertiary education

Mr. Tan,
Please share your views about deferment of national service for male citizens to complete their tertiary education. The ministry of defense reject most request for deferment but grant them to only special situations - in one specific case for 12 years. Should deferment be allowed more generally, so that the educational prospects of our male citizens are not hampered?

This issue needs to be studied. We have to consider the needs of National Service and also the needs of the male citizens. With a proper study, and getting the inputs of the relevant parties, i.e. Mindef, parents, young males - we can find a better solution.

Regardless of the outcome, it is important that the policy should be implemented fairly. Nobody should be given special favor - otherwise, the people will lose trust in the government and their leaders.


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