
Sunday, April 3, 2011

New ishop is easier to order books

Hi Mr.Tan
I visited you new ishop and find it easy to use, much better than the old ishop (which was quite confusing and buggy - pardon my saying so). I like the attractive discount that you are giving on your books, including the new books that are now selling at the book stores.
However, I like to make an observation. The handling charge has now been increased to $3 (compared to $1 in the past - if I remember correctly). So, the discount of $3 on your new book is offset by the high handling charge).

You pay one handling charge for each order, regardless of the number of books that you buy. So, you will enjoy a bigger discount when you buy a few books in one order. You should consider buying books on behalf of your friends - to enjoy the discount.
The handling charge is inclusive of postage. If you have bought books from Amazon or other online book stores in America, you will find the handling charge to be $20 or more - so the handling charge of $3 is still quite small. Even if you drive to the bookstores, the parking fee will be more than $3.
It is better to buy online. It is more convenient and cheaper.


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