
Friday, March 18, 2011

Dilemma of the Poor

Dear Mr Tan
Hope you can publish my experience for comment.

This morning I was at a food centre and an old lady in a wheel-chair selling tissue paper told me, "I saw government people giving presents to foreigner workers. Here I am struggling to survive."

I said with the election coming, shouldn't you vote opposition to change things."Can I vote opposition?" she asked with a searching eye. I said assuringly that government agencies that helped her would still be around if the PAP lost.

"I would vote PAP. I will have to vote for them till my dying day. I only hope they do more for us disadvantaged folks," the old lady answered with a sigh of resignation.

Herein lies the dilemma of the poor. They depend on the government for handouts, but are afraid a change will be for the worst. Better the devil you know than the one you don't.



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