
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Motor insurance is compulsory

It is compulsory by law for the owner of a vehicle to have a motor insurance cover. The mandatory cover is for third party injury. In theory, you do not need to buy insurance to cover property damage, if you do not wish to.

It is difficult to find an insurance company that will offer only compulsory Act cover. A more frequent coverage is third party cover (which covers liability to third parties for injury and property damage). The premium is about 50% to 65% of the comprehensive cover. Comprehensive cover, which is more common, will also cover damage to your own vehicle.

During the past two years, the premium for motor insurance has increased by about 30% due to more accidents and fraudulent claims. Some customers have to pay more. The insurance companies introduced the "Motor Claim Framework" to combat the escalation in claims. So far, it has failed to achieve the desired outcome.


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