
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Central Medical Records

A few months ago, I carried out a survey about the value of a central medical record system. Many respondents replied that they are interested to join this system, as it allow any doctor that is treating them to access the medical records. It also avoids having duplicate medical tests to be taken. Here are the survey results.

This system is designed primarily to handle the outpatient records (i.e the medical records that are kept in GP clinics). It is not intended to capture the detailed specialised records that are kept in hospitals.

You can read more about this system in this document. You can test the Demonstration system directly here.

If you like the system, please help me to pass the word around to doctors, employers, insurance companies and the health authority. It can help to improve the delivery of medical services in Singapore.

NOTE: The records in this demonstration database are fabricated. In the real system, there will be controls to ensure that only the patient and the doctors authorised by the patient can see the records.


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