
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Logic Quiz 4-1 (Vol 4)

There are four houses with different colours in a row. Each occupant plays a different sport and drinks a different beverage.

 1. The engineer drinks whiskey.
 2. The golf player lives in the last house.
 3. The volleyball player lives in the grey house.
 4. The rugby player drinks rum.
 5. The scientist plays cricket.
 6. The green house is left of the grey house.
 7. The engineer lives in the blue house.
 8. The accountant lives left of the scientist.
 9. The salesman lives in the first house.
10. The vodka drinker lives in the purple house.

Question: Who drinks wine?

Record your time and give your answer here. You will be given the correct answer, after you submit your entry.

1 to 5 mins: very good
5 to 10 min: good
10 to 15 mins: fair
more than 15 mins: need more practice! 

More of the quiz
It appears every Sunday in The New Paper.
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