
Friday, February 6, 2009

Compensation for the Credit Linked Notes

The general public in Singapore had the impression that most of the investors in the credit-linked notes (i.e. minibonds, high notes, pinnacle notes, jubilee notes) had been compensated. The newspapers reported that 25% had full compensation and 32% had partial compensation.

Several people talked to me about this matter. I gave them the following facts and observations:

1. Most investors who received full compensation invested small sums, i.e. $20,000 or less.
2.  Most investors who invested large sums, i.e. $50000 or more, received rejection letters
3.  Most offered partial compensation rejected the offer, as the amount was too small
4.  I estimate that the actual compensation is probably 10% to 15% of the invested sums

Most people that I talked to were shocked! They had been given the wrong impression through reading the newspapers. They now realise that the perception and reality are quite different. Many investors are still very disappointed and angry.


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