
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Relief loans to repay credit card debts

Many people expect the next big financial crisis to be triggered by the failure of the credit card debts.

I hope that action can be taken to minimise the impact of this impending crisis. I believe that a large number of people borrowed on credit cards due to reduction or loss of their earnings. The high interest rate on the credit cards add to their burden.

I suggest that a relief loan be provided to these people who have runned up the credit card debts for this reason. This relief loan can help them to reduce their heavy debts. My proposal for this relief loan is set out below:

I suggest that the banks should give a discount on the repayment of the credit card debts through the relief loan. As they have earned a high rate of interest before, they should take a reduction in return for the repayment of the loan.

I also hope that a limited amount of relief loan be given to other borrowers who have incurred a credit card debt for other reasons, e.g. over-spending.

The relief loan, charged at a modest rate of interest, will give the borrower a better chance to repay the borrowings, and prevent another round of financial crisis.

This targeted approach is better than giving every person a cheque under a stimulus package (as was practiced recently in USA).


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